Parking - The Problem

The Curzon Centre has a good size carpark, that can provide ample parking for the majority of its bookings.

However the proximity of a local school with no child drop off or collection facilities meant that, during school term time, the Curzon Centre management could not book in users as they "couldn't park".

This meant that potential classes wouldn't book the centre at either school drop-off or collection times and this seriously affected the use of the centre.

The Parking Issue - Possible Solutions

There are many ways that the management of the Curzon Centre could have solved the issue.

It could have been gates at the entrance, stopping everyone parking when the gates are closed, 

It could been paid parking that every user needed to abide by.

It could have been an ANPR company to manage the parking.

The trustees reviewed all the possible solutions, aiming to provide a cost effective solution to the centre, provide a solution that would work with the majority of the hirers and users, whilst solving the parking issue. 

Parking - The Chosen Solution

The trustees reviewed the options  and believed that the most important aspect of any solution was "not to charge" and "not to penalise" legitimate users of the centre.

One company, ParkingEye, were happy to introduce a system that the management of the centre could work with.

When necessary, the centre can help genuine users of the centre deal with any accidental fines.


Having chosen ParkingEye as the chosen partner, in the autumn of 2023 ParkingEye implemented changes to the Curzon Centre carpark with the installation of entry barriers, an ANPR camera, several information signs regarding the new system, a 6ft tall "pop-up" banner in the main foyer and two number plate terminals in both the main and side foyer for legitimate users of the centre to input their vehicle registration details.

For selected regular users, ParkingEye also allows the Curzon Centre to maintain a numberplate white list.

The Curzon Centre also invested in multiple A4 poster displays around the centre to remind legitimate visitors to enter their details in the foyer terminals.

At the same time, and since then, the management of the Curzon Centre have reminded all regular and new hirers of the centre that they need to get their users/customers/patrons and guests to enter their registration plate details into the terminal to avoid a fine.  

Parking Information Signs

There are a number of warning and information signs externally and internally providing information about ParkingEye and reminding users of the centre how to avoid being fined.

Numberplate Terminals

There are two numberplate terminals

Main foyer terminalThe main foyer terminal beside the kitchen hatch
Side Foyer terminal

The side foyer terminal next to the centre office.

Numberplate Terminals - How They Work

The terminals are identical.

This screen is the most likely screen you will see when you arrive.

The ParkingEye terminal screen saver

Touch the screen to proceed.

ParkingEye terms and conditions

Please agree to the ParkingEye terms and conditions to proceed.

This is where you enter your registration number

Enter your vehicle registration plate into the system.

Please ensure that you enter it correctly.  Please be wary of the number Zero and the letter O. They are not interchangable. I, L and 1 are also not interchangable. 

An example of a registration plate entered

An example of a registration plate entered

Asking for confirmation of the plate entered

The system will now show you the registration plate you have entered.  


Your vehicle is only registered once you press confirm on the right hand side of the screen.

You have successfully entered a vehicle mark into the system

You have successfully entered a vehicle mark into the system.

You have received a Parking Notice Fine

If you are a legitimate user, and you have unfortunately received a fine, we may be able to help.

Do not pay the fine until you have talked to us.  Please contact the Curzon Centre office, either by email or calling the office telephone number.

For us to help you, we will need to know what event you were attending (we reserve the right to check with the event organiser) including time, date and licence plate information.

We will also need the 12 digits at the top right hand corner of the fine. (It is is as 6 digits / 6 digits format.)

If we can confirm you were a legitimate user of the centre we will work with you to endeavour to cancel the fine with no costs incurred/due.